Thursday, September 20, 2012

The hidden Key . . . Dawit Worku

Where is the key for tranquility, the key for prosperity, the key for unity?
Where is the key for healthiness, they key for godliness, the key for humbleness?
Where is the key for considerateness, the key for open-mindedness, the key for faithfulness?
Who hold the Key that opens the closed door behind of our integrity, behind of our prosperity, behind of our harmony? Where is the hidden key?
Yesterday, countless people believed rulers held the key; today a lot of people believe rulers hold the key, and tomorrow a few people believe rulers will hold the key. If the rulers that ruled Ethiopia powerfully for many years had the key; we would not have been wasting our time looking for it.
The hidden key is not in the hand of US America and western countries as some people think so. If the solution key is in their hand, don’t such countries wish not our renaissance but our devastating, not our health but our disease, not our superiority but our inferiority, not our prosperity but our poverty, not our brightness but our darkness?
Ethiopia is a country that belongs to a trustworthy and hospitable people who has its own culture, language, ethics and beliefs; it keeps its peace and unity in diversity for many decades; never has been kneeling down to aggressors; it is the first country to the beginning of world civilization; its nature able to attract whoever sees the country for the first time. Though, Ethiopia is found in the horn of Africa which is called the danger zone, it still keeps its neighbor peace beyond itself. If Ethiopia becomes strong in economy and civilization, it would be bad news for countries that never wish its peace and security. Therefore, how could we expect the solution key from the US America and western countries?
Only a very few people believe that the solution key is in the hand of God. They are absolutely true; I share their idea; the solution key is in the hands of the Almighty Lord only. Accumulating without God is spreading; peace without Him is war; and prosperity without Him is poverty; unity without Him is confusion.
This is the decisive time that Ethiopia needed God’s hand more than ever. Its rulers who had ruled through time had not God fear hearted and they did many bad things that made God mad. They bit youth, humiliated olds, and raped women, throw scholars into prison and killed. They made the country “akeldama”, land of blood. Though, God gave us his back and we have been suffering from war, disease, and hunger because of them.
The solution key is only in the hands of God. He can give us when we honour and afraid of Him; When we walk as He wants us to walk; when we speak as He wants us to speak; and when we live as He wants us to live.
It has been heard two predictions about the future Ethiopia; either bright or darkness time might will come. Some people state the time is at hand that Ethiopia will arise and shine. however, there are a lot who believe the reverse is true. Nevertheless, whether the bright or the darkness time come, we Ethiopians have to kneel down and stretch our hands to the Almighty God. Because when we do that, we live not what our friends or enemies wish us to live, but we live what God desires us to live.
Then, there will be light, there will be victory, there will be prosperity, there will be loyalty to God and to our family, to our people and to our government, there will be no more corruption, no more war, no more disease, no more political hatred, and no more discrimination.
God Bless Ethiopia
Dawit Worku
September 2012
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia